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Borden Institute releases 68W Combat Medic Specialist Fieldcraft II Textbook

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO, FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas — The Borden Institute, an agency of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence, officially released Combat Medic Specialist Fieldcraft-Fieldcraft II, as a part of institute’s Specialty Titles classification on 31 January 2024.

The entire 3-part series covers the complete course of instruction for Army Medical Department medics (military occupational specialty: 68W) across the continuum of care from routine sick call through care under fire to individual resilience and recovery. 

This volume is the follow up to 68W Limited Primary Care released in October 2023 by Borden Institute. Fieldcraft II, part 3, highlights trauma management and introduces other important combat medic topics: triage, suicide prevention, environmental threats, and humanitarian and legal standards in war. Each chapter begins with a list of core concepts, defines key terms, and provides review questions throughout the text. Many chapters also illustrate specific procedures with step-by-step photographic “skill drills.”

This textbook series is the first all-encompassing education and sustainment resource for the second largest military occupational specialty in the U.S. Army, 68W. With over 60 subject matter expert contributors, this text will be used in conjunction with the curriculum to train all future Army Combat Medics and maintain high standards of sustainment readiness for the entire career field.

Command Sergeant Major Victor J. Laragione, the current U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence Command Sergeant Major said, “The combat Medic is Doc to their teammates and are often put in austere environments with limited reach back to skilled providers. Although Advanced Individual Training teaches the Combat Medic many skills and concepts, one does not learn and retain everything an independent Combat Medic may be asked to treat. This book offers the combat medic the ability to train on both Disease Non-Battle Injury and Tactical Combat Casualty Care while also serving as a reference that can be with the Soldier anywhere. The book series provides a resource for updates when required in both digital and hard copy formats.”  

The foreword for this publication was written by the former U.S. Army Medical Command Sergeant Major, Diamond D. Hough. The former U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence Command Sergeant Major Clark Charpentier authored the preface and former Sergeant Major of Academic Affairs to the Office of the Commandant, James Musnicki composed the introduction.  

Combat Medic Specialist Fieldcraft-Fieldcraft II highlights the foundation, evolution, and continued readiness commitment to our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. It is with a great sense of gratification and enthusiasm that the Borden Institute presents this high quality and exclusive instructional textbook.

The Borden Institute is currently in production with Part 2, Fieldcraft I, as the last segment to the 3-part series. This volume contains combat medic skills that are undergoing significant revision and modification. Therefore, this volume will be published last to ensure the most current information is included and made available to all.

Department of Defense personnel can request a complimentary copy by completing an order form at: https://medcoe.army.mil/borden . Click on Ordering Information to order books.

In addition to the print version, this publication is also available in PDF format on the institute’s website. 


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