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MEDCoE Centennial

All year, MEDCoE recognizes its origin by marking the inception of the Medical Field Service School in 1920 through scheduled “Centennial” celebration virtual events in order to honor the MEDCoE’s place in Army Medicine’s rich and storied history. There are many important dates in the school’s history, but May 15, 1920 is acknowledged as the date the Army formally approved the establishment of the Medical Field Service School at Carlisle Barracks, PA, where MEDCoE traces its origins. The location at Carlisle Barracks, which had housed General Hospital Number 31 until it closed October 1920, allowed for training in various environments and served as a testing area for interwar field units. From its beginning, the school worked to enhance the readiness of the medical force by training personnel to preserve the health of the Army in field and in garrison. Their motto became: “To Conserve Fighting Strength.” This foundation continues here in Texas as the school was moved to Fort Sam Houston in 1946.Read more: https://www.army.mil/article/235644/ 


15 MAY 2020 Command Team Message


Centennial Book

Click here to order the Centennial Book, The US Army Medical Center of Excellence and Its Origins: A Pictorial History of the First 100 Years, 1920 to 2020 published by the Borden Institute.


Photos and Videos

Several videos produced courtesy of MEDVID TV, with support from MEDCoE Historians and the US Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage, highlight the creation of the field school and our continued legacy of excellence in Army Medicine training and education.

CENTENNIAL VIDEO #1 "MEDCoE 2020: Command Team Message"


CENTENNIAL VIDEO #2 "MEDCoE 2020: the Genesis"


Centennial VIDEO #3: “2020 End of Year”


Centennial Group Photo 

#MEDCoE hosted an historic formation in honor of #MEDCoE2020! #ArmyMedicineStartsHere And join us for the Centennial Book Launch tomorrow! Celebrating 100 years of premiere. 

MEDCoE Centennial Group Photo

MEDCoE, who celebrated their Centennial Anniversary in 2020 with very little fanfare due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, used the 32d Medical Brigade change of command ceremony on November 10, 2021 as a target of opportunity to gather over 4,000 Soldiers and Civilians on MacArthur Parade Field, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston in representation of the command. With improving local COVID-19 conditions, masks were not required for vaccinated personnel during the outdoor ceremony.


MEDCoE Centennial Command Photo for download

Click here to download print resolution copy.


#MEDCOE2020 Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to the following winners of the monthly MEDCoE 2020 photo contest.  Internal (only) submissions for the #MEDCoE Photo contest may be submitted to: usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.dcomm@mail.mil</a >. Each month, PAO selects the photo with the best content, and or artistry, to be highlighted as the cover photo on the MEDCoE Facebook page and other messaging.


The following winners are listed by month:

January Winner and Overall 3rd Place Winner - January- Fran Trachta, ACHH

February- Jose E. Rodriguez, MEDCoE

March- 1SG Garrett D. Roberson Jr., 232 MED BN, 32d MED BDE

April- Drill Sergeant Jennifer Westerman, 188th MED BN, MPTB

May- SSG Steven Wiechert, HQ, 32d MED BDE

June -1SG, Marisol Hernandez, Charlie Company, 187th Medical Battalion, MPTB


July - 2nd Lt. Alexander Guzzwell, Executive Officer, E Co., 232 Medical Battalion

August - 1SG Rebecca Trepasso, C Co/188th Medical Battalion</span >

September - Mr. Robert Murphy, Department of Combat Medic Training</span ></span >


October - 2nd Lt. Alexander Guzzwell, Executive Officer, E Co., 232nd Medical Battalion


November Winner and Overall 1st Place Winner - November - CPT Liz Punger, Instructor/Writer in the #MEDCoE Division of Veterinary Science


December Winner and Overall 2nd Place Winner - December - Mr. Scott Childress from the United States Army Aeromedical Research Lab (USAARL)