Welcome to the Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE), and congratulations on your Commission! You will be assigned to Alpha Company, 187th Medical Battalion for the duration of your Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) training.
To begin your BOLC journey, please review all the information provided on this site. Be sure to read the BOLC Student Handbook, which can be found in the resources section. Additionally, students will be utilizing the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) while they are attending BOLC. So, if you are unfamiliar with the Blackboard LMS, please spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. There are plenty of resources on the internet to help you, such as the Blackboard* site and their YouTube* channel. If you still have any questions or concerns that are not addressed on our site, please call us at (210) 952-8941.
Upon completion of BOLC, Active-Duty officers reporting to their primary duty station will be authorized travel, regular leave, and Permissive TDY from JBSA Fort Sam Houston to their gaining unit upon request. Active-duty officers with dependents are encouraged to make appropriate arrangements prior to reporting to BOLC.
Please note: This information is continually changing as the situation and guidance for safety measures are updated.
General Information
This course is designed to instruct students on the basics of being an Army and Army Medical Department (AMEDD) officer. It will assist the student in making their transition into the Army a smooth one. This course will provide the student with an increased understanding of the U.S. Army, its various missions and most importantly, how to contribute to the success of those missions. The student`s focus here at the Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE) should be discipline, teamwork, basic Soldier skills, tactical medical doctrine, and learning the principles behind becoming a resilient, agile leader.
BOLC 6-8-C20B (Long Course) In-Processing Information
Below is a list of documents that you must have to successfully complete Personnel and Finance in-processing. It is vital you have these documents with the listed number of copies on Day 1 of in-processing. If you do not have these documents in the right quantities, you could encounter serious pay or personnel issues.
1. DA form 71 (Oath of Office) – 5 copies. If you are on active duty and have not been administered the oath, you will complete an Active-Duty Oath of Office on Day 1 of the course. If you have a reserve and/or Active-duty oath, bring copies of both.
2. Orders (PCS, TDY) and all amendments – 5 copies. Officers arriving from ROTC will typically only have one order that serves as both a PCS and TDY order. It is very important to report with these 5 copies.
3. SF 1199A (Direct Deposit Form) – 2 copies. If you are not in the military pay system (DFAS) or want to change your banking information in DFAS, you will need to submit either a completed SF1199A (with correct routing number) or a void check to finance during in-processing.
4. DD 93 (Record of Emergency Data) – 2 copies in IPPS-A
1. All Soldiers are required to have a DD93 on file in case of emergency. If you have one, bring it with you to in-processing.
2. If you do not have one, you will complete the DD93 during in-processing. If you already have one in the system, but not with you, you will complete another one.
5. Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) form – 2 copies (found on milConnect)
1. All Soldiers are required to have a SGLI form on file in case of emergency. If you have one, bring it with you to in-processing.
2. If you do not have one, you will complete the SGLI form during in-processing. If you already have one in the system, but not with you, you will complete another one.
6. DD Form 214 (if applicable) showing any prior service – 2 copies
1. If you have at least 4 years + 1 day of prior service, you are eligible for “E-pay” (listed as O-1E on pay charts).
2. Active-duty time for Reservists and National Guard soldiers can count towards "E" pay; therefore, bring your reserve retirement points report, if applicable. To qualify for “E-pay” as a USAR/ARNG Soldier you must have at least 1,640 points.
3. We will make every attempt to start your "E-pay" at Fort Sam Houston. However, priority processing goes to starting base pay and allowances for new soldiers.
7. All other military contracts - 2 copies. This can include, but is not limited to ROTC contracts, SMP contracts, enlisted contracts, HPSP contracts, Direct Commission contracts, etc. ANY/ALL MILITARY CONTRACTS that you have entered.
8. 1506 - 2 copies. If you have a 1506, bring 2 copies with you. Ensure 1506 is signed.
Reserve Component In-Processing Information
All student attending BOLC-B (RC) Phase 2 are required to have an Army Combat Fitness Test score and passing Army Height and Weight prior to enrollment in the resident course.
Students need to hand-carry their DA Form 705 (Army Combat Fitness Test Scorecard) to in-processing on day 0. The DA Form 705 must indicate the student is in compliance with the Army’s height and weight standards IAW AR 600-9.
If the student requires a tape test, the DA Form 5500 (males) or the DA Form 5501 (female) must also be included with the DA Form 705. The DA Form 705 in connection with height and weight must be current (within the past six months).
If a student does not have a DA Form 705, they will be administered both the ACFT and height/weight screening. If they fail to meet Army standards for height/weight, they will NOT be enrolled and returned to home station.
Reporting Information
On the REPORT DATE, you will report to Bldg. 592 (Holiday Inn Express) at 3825 Dickman Road, San Antonio, Texas between 0900-1600hrs for lodging and initial in-processing. You may report to Holiday Inn Express in appropriate civilian attire (All will be groomed according to AR 670-1 with males being cleanly shaven). At Bldg. 592, you will receive additional instructions for in-processing. This is the only requirement on your report date.
Lodging Information
Upon check-in at Bldg. 592 (Holiday Inn Express), you will be assigned a room on Joint Base San Antonio (depending on availability) at no cost to you. No reservations are necessary. Students permanently assigned to Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), or are local residents that drill in San Antonio, are not authorized lodging. Officers arriving early will be charged for all nights prior to their reporting date unless Soldier are arriving from an OCONUS location and have orders to present to front desk showing as such. This cost may be reimbursed upon arrival at your permanent duty station.
Driving Information
For in-processing, please park across the street from the AMEDD museum to avoid being ticketed. You will be given more information regarding authorized student parking areas when you in-process. Students are NOT authorized to drive motorcycles while in BOLC.
As a result of receiving a direct commission into the U.S. Army, you are eligible to receive a Common Access Card (CAC), also known as a military ID Card.
- Please read your instructions in your orders for accessions concerns. Your status will be changed within 10 days of signing-in and in-processing JBSA Fort Sam Houston. You are not eligible to receive a CAC card until this transaction is complete.
- The following link outlines the items required to receive a CAC card and the steps to enroll your Family members in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS): CAC Requirements
- KEY NOTE – Please pay close attention to the documents that need to be either originals or certified copies (Notarized copies are not the same as certified copies).
If you are being stationed outside the continental U.S. (OCONUS) after graduating from BOLC-B, please ensure your family members (spouse and children) are listed on your orders. Direct all questions to your orders issuing authority (USAREC, Cadet Command, HRC Saint Louis, HRC Virginia/Fort Knox, etc.). On occasion, your orders issuing authority may require your family members to be listed in DEERS prior to making orders amendments. Your enrollment into DEERS will be completed within a few weeks of your arrival. In addition, your family members will need to be medically screened and enrolled in the EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program) prior to them being added to your orders. You will be instructed on this process upon arrival.
If you still have any questions or concerns that are not addressed on our site, please call us at (210) 952-8941.
Household Goods (HHG)
If you are authorized shipment of HHG to your permanent duty station at government expense, please contact the installation transportation office at the military installation closest to your current location in order to arrange shipment. Please make every effort to register in the Defense Property System (DPS) prior to arrival to ensure a quick move. Their website is Additional moving resources are available at MilitaryOneSource.
Medical Information
Dental screenings will be completed at JBSA Fort Sam Houston for all Active Duty personnel PCSing to their first duty assignment. Every effort will be made to facilitate your completion of PHAs and Well Woman exams, if needed. Keep in mind that some individuals may be exempt based on data from your records or in the medical (MEDPROS) and dental computer database.
- If you wear glasses, you will need to bring 2 pairs of professional style eyeglasses in accordance with AR 670-1 (i.e. no adornments or labels on the frames, conservative color, etc.) with you to JBSA Fort Sam Houston. Contact lenses are NOT authorized during the Field Training Exercise (FTX). If you have a copy of your eyewear prescription, bring it with you.
Military Pay
If you are new to the Active Duty Army, or the U.S. Army Reserves, including Individual Ready Reserve and National Guard, it can take up to 30 days before your pay is established. Ensure that you report to JBSA Fort Sam Houston with enough money to cover your expenses such as purchasing uniforms.
After your pay is started, you will receive monthly Leave and Earning Statements (LES) which will show all your entitlements, deductions and net pay. Once established, you can access this information at the myPay website. For those attending the long course, to ensure you receive all your entitlements and that your pay is not delayed, arrive here with the following documents.
- Orders
- Oath of Office
- DA 31 (If applicable)
- Marriage Certificate (If applicable)
- Divorce Decree (If applicable)
- Family Member’s Birth Certificate (If applicable)
- Banking Information (Account and Routing numbers)
We will provide lodging at no cost to you.
Active Duty Officers who have not received a previous Clothing Allowance are authorized $600 for uniforms. It may take up to 30-45 days before the clothing allowance is paid. It is highly recommended that you have enough funds in advance to purchase your uniforms prior to your arrival to Fort Sam Houston (approximately $1,000.00).
Depending on your orders, students may be authorized to receive full Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and family separation pay while at the course.
- Soldiers without family members will receive BAH at the CONUS “T” Rate (Active Duty).
- Soldiers with family members typically receive BAH at the rate of their spouses/children’s location.
- All USAR/ARNG are paid BAH based on their home location regardless of their family member’s status.
- If you have reported to a Permanent Duty Station prior to the course AND you are separated from your family members by more than 250 miles for longer than 30 days, you are entitled to Family Separation Allowance. This will be processed by finance at your permanent duty station.
Physical Conditioning
Please report to BOLC in good physical condition. You will be required to take and pass the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) AND meet the height and weight standards in order to graduate the course. Officers who fail to meet these standards by the course graduation date may be held over or sent back to their units. If you are not currently participating in a physical fitness regimen, we highly recommend you begin immediately.
If you have a profile, please bring a copy with you to be turned in on Day 0.
Privately Owned Weapons (POWs)
You are highly discouraged from bringing any POWs to the BOLC-B course. There is no opportunity for you to use them during the course and you will be required to store them in the arms room. If you bring a Privately Owned Weapon (POW), it MUST be registered on post immediately. Contact A/187th BEFORE you bring the weapon on base by calling (210)221-6707/6714.
Please review the BOLC uniform requirements, which can be found in the BOLC Student Handbook, and procure as many of your uniform requirements as possible prior to your arrival at JBSA Fort Sam Houston.
It is important that you arrive at Fort Sam Houston with as many of your required uniform items on-hand as possible. Some uniform items, particularly Army patrol caps, Army Combat Fitness Uniforms (ACFUs) and some Army Combat Uniform (ACU) items may not be available in all sizes, or are in extremely limited supplies, at the JBSA FSH Clothing Sales store.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain the proper uniform items so that you can be in the correct uniform at the beginning and throughout the course. If necessary, we will provide you with an opportunity to obtain uniforms upon arrival at Fort Sam Houston.
At a minimum, we recommend purchasing a good pair of authorized boots prior to your arrival to the course. The advantage of having a pair of boots that have already been “broken in” cannot be stressed enough.
All Soldiers, regardless of component, are required to have the Army Combat Uniform (ACU), the Army Combat Fitness Uniform (ACFU) and the Army Service Uniform (Army Green Service Uniform or Dress Blues). Uniforms can be obtained from an installation near you or online through AAFES* or Marlow White*. Your dress uniform will be used throughout the course for Fancy Friday’s, social functions such as Dining In, and/or Graduation.
Mandatory Training Information
Students are required to complete three online courses, the VIA Survey of Character Strengths Questionnaire, and the Global Assessment Tool (GAT) prior to arriving at their gaining unit after BOLC graduation. You must have a CAC to complete the training. Additionally, all students that are projected for follow-on assignments to United States Forces Korea (USFK) must complete the USFK PCS (Theater-Specific) Training.
Anti-Terrorism (AT) Level 1 Training
The AT Level 1 course is available online (you must have a CAC) at Joint Knowledge Online (JKO).
Once you are on the site, click on the "Login using my CAC / VA PIV" link (located on the right side).
Click on the Course Catalog tab.
In the Course Name box, enter the keyword "antiterrorism" and hit enter. Once it displays "JS US007 Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training (2 hrs)", click Enroll. When you have completed the training, print your completion certificate for your records.
Risk Management Basic Course
The Risk Management Basic Course is available online (you must have CAC) at the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) website. However, you must first register for it in Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS).
On the ATRRS Course Catalog webpage, enter the keyword "2G-F97_DL" into the Course Number input field and click the Search the ATRRS Course Catalog button.
Click on the 2G-F97_DL link to open the Course Information page.
On the 2G-F97_DL Course Information page, click Register.
Now that you are registered, the course should be listed and available through the ALMS website. Once you have completed the training, print your completion certificate.
Operational Security (OPSEC) Training
The Operational Security (OPSEC) Training is available online at the ATIS website. Sign in using the CAC/PKI Login.
Search for the training using the upper bar. Enter the keyword "OPSEC" in the search input box and click enter.
Click on "Army OPSEC Level I (Newcomers and Refresher)" once it displays. When you have completed the training, print your completion certificate.
VIA Survey of Character Strengths Questionnaire and Global Assessment Tool (GAT)
The Army established Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF) to increase the resilience and performance of Soldiers. All BOLC students are required to complete the VIA Survey of Character Strengths and the Global Assessment Tool - Initial Military Training (GAT-IMT), as part of their Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF) Program.
The VIA Survey of Character Strengths questionnaire is available at the University of Pennsylvania`s Authentic Happiness website*. In order to complete the questionnaire, students are required to register and create an account which can be done by clicking register*. Once the account is created, the questionnaire is available at VIA Survey of Character Strengths* (in the Engagement Questionnaires section).
Based on the CSF, the GAT was developed to assess the dimensions of emotional, spiritual, social, and family fitness. The assessment is available online at the Army Fit website.
USFK PCS (Theater-Specific) Training
All students that are projected for follow-on assignments to United States Forces Korea (USFK) require additional training. Your AT Level 1 training certificate, as well as, the USFK training certificate must not expire until at least 60 days after reporting to your OCONUS duty location.
The USFK training course is available online (you must have a CAC) at Joint Knowledge Online (JKO).
Same as for the AT Level 1 training, "Login using my CAC / VA PIV" link.
Click on the Course Catalog tab.
In the course name box, enter the keyword "usfk theater" and hit enter. Once it displays "USFK US171 USFK Theater Specific Required Training (1 hr)", click Enroll. When you have completed the training, print your completion certificate for your records.